Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sympathetic movie goer on the annoying side

I love movies, but only if they make me laugh and don't teach me any life lessons. I also don't enjoy chase scenes and action heros are not my thing, unless it's Robert Downey, Jr. A solid, predictable, romantic comedy, completely void of technology, is perfect for me.

My movie style is the exact opposite of Techno Spouse. He never met a chase scene he didn't love. The good news is Techno Spouse and I have a deal. We take turns picking movies and the deal is the non-picker is not allowed to complain.

As luck would have it it was my turn to pick and I picked Morning Glory. Morning Glory stars Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton. The fact that Harrison Ford was in the movie gave Techno Spouse a glimmer of false hope.

We arrived at the theater, got our "senior" tickets, dropped $15 bucks on a vat of popcorn, and headed to our favorite front row seats. As I was scanning fellow movie goers, I noticed a chubby guy wearing a sweater identical to one I have in my closet. Oh well, style is subjective.

The movie started and within the first few minutes the main character, played by McAdams, got her feelings hurt. From directly behind us came a loud, Awwwwwww. A few minutes further into the movie, another minor snub in the direction of McAdams' character and another loud, Awwwwwww. Within the first 30 minutes, McAdams' character had her pout face firmly in place and the entire theater had heard Awwwwwww, at least 6 times.

This went on for the duration of the movie, all 102 minutes. It was one of those situations, where you either let yourself get uber annoyed or you laugh. We choose to laugh. And you guessed it, the guy with the endless Awwwwwww's was wearing my sweater.

Yep, I'm w-a-y behind on my 30 ways to appreciate....I'll get back on track in a day or two.