Sunday, July 20, 2008

When is it okay to be a jerk?

Sometimes I wonder if being nice is worth it. I’ve recently had a couple of opportunities to be a full-scale jerk – justifiably. Remember the concrete guy? I opted for the high road, or maybe the coward’s road – whatever way you look at it.

I could have been a jerk. He deserved it.

But I didn’t.

A couple of days ago I had another opportunity to pull out my inner jerk. Here’s the story…

I was minding my own business cruising along the Ohio Turnpike on my way to Cleveland. My companion, a pregnant co-worker, has to pee a lot. We pulled into a rest area, parked and headed for the facilities.

As we approached the building a herd of teens came barreling out. And I mean barreling. Apparently, we were invisible as they commandeered the sidewalk, pushing through without so much as an “excuse me.”

We shook it off and headed into the bathroom only to find ourselves surrounded by a busload of little old ladies. For the record, otherwise friendly little old ladies get MEAN when they have to pee.

We eventually get a turn and finish our business. We then head back out to the parking lot. I look toward my car and can’t believe what I see – a guy, an adult, placing his two Coke cans ON THE HOOD OF MY CAR!

Are you kidding me???

My inner jerk was right there, ready to blast this guy. But the nice girl in me clicked my remote causing my lights to flash, which gave the moron the heads up. He was busted. He grabbed his Cokes off my car as I approached. I said nothing. Got in my car – slammed my door -- and pulled away.

When I told Techno Spouse the story his inner jerk came raging out with a list of things I could of or should of said or done. What do you think? When is it okay, and even desirable, to bring forth your inner jerk? Am I a wimp or just a nice girl? What would you have done?


curlylocks said...

Always opt for the high road--just remember the Toledo Zoo Saga--those who deserve to be punished will in the long run receive in kind the crap they expelled on the rest of us!
So trust that Concrete guy will have to deal with cracks in his drive way, leaks in his pool, and a wet basement, 'cause he has angered the gods of ore :-)

Coke can man, will suffer blistered paint on his car (all though I think his crime not so great--and more an issue of mine vs his--so what he rested coke cans on the car? Was there really potential for harm there or just a water spot from condensation?)

Love your blog!!

Meg said...

I think letting your inner jerk out every once in awhile is a good thing. It makes the rest of us jerks feel like you're human.

Anonymous said...

Now a days you don't know what people will do so you are better off safe than sorry.

robkroese said...

I think you're better off just laughing at people. Being a jerk doesn't help anyone.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #2 here: I must agree with Anonymous #1.

Anonymous said...

When is it okay to be a jerk? Short answer: Never.

Think of jerkosity as a disease. Do you really want to catch it from someone?

Suzie said...

Yeah better rings on your car than tags on your toes