Sunday, June 1, 2008

Poop Stinks - That Means ALL Poop

My daughter accused me of being keester-obsessed. She cited the numerous keester references in my previous posts. Okay, I concede. I seem to have a bit of a preoccupation with keesters. Therefore, I pinky swear not to mention keester once in the following post. Instead I will discuss poop.

I am an animal lover. As an animal lover, I am a dog owner. As a dog owner, I am a pooper-scooper. And as a pooper-scooper I have a question – Why is it that dog owners are expected to be pooper-scoopers, and cat owners are not?

I have nothing against cats, or cat owners, some of my best friends are feline fanatics. This is not about cats. This is about cat poop. The way I see it, poop is poop. And poop is not fun to encounter unexpectedly, whether it comes from a dog or a cat. Granted, cat poop is generally buried in the sandbox or flowerbed while dog poop is left unceremoniously in the middle of the front lawn. But, I say again, poop is poop.

Why is it okay for a cat to spray my bushes and bury surprises in my perennial bed, but, it’s not okay for my dog to leave a pile on an unsuspecting lawn? Dog owners can even be fined for allowing their mutt to crap on public property without cleaning it up pronto. And, there’s no getting out of it with a lame excuse like, “I was only trying to fertilize the grass.” No. Public officials and neighbors alike take dog poop very seriously. But not cat poop. Why is that?

I have a theory. Bodily functions in the four-legged world take on a whole different meaning than our two-legged interpretation. They mean things like, “This is my turf, bozo,” and “Hey sweetie, want to tango?” Cats, by virtue of their genetic link to the king of the jungle, the lion, are operating on the premise that they are somehow superior to other domestic four-leggers (and certainly to neighboring two-leggers) and therefore entitled to whatever turf they feel like marking. Kind of a feline version of “my poop doesn’t stink – but your does.” Dogs, by virtue of their genetic link to wolves, cower accordingly. I can understand where the cats are coming from; they do have an impressive pedigree. But, can it be that society is so intimidated by this jungle link that it can’t dare expect a feline to be poop patrolled?

That’s all I’m suggesting – that cat owners go on poop patrol and become pooper-scoopers just as dog owners are expected to do. I don’t mean to imply that all cat owners let their felines turn neighbor kid’s sand boxes into giant litter boxes, pee-to-death expensive shrubbery, or leave surprises in flowerbeds. And, in all fairness, not all dog owners are responsible pooper-scoopers either. The difference lies in the expectations of ownership. Dog owners are in deep doo-doo if they get caught slacking off on poop patrol, while cat owners can let kitty out without any concern for where kitty takes a crap.

In this age of political correctness it just seems politically correct to make all pet owners doo-doo responsible. And just how can society enforce doo-doo responsibility? I haven’t got a clue. It’s best we leave that up to our ever capable elected officials. Just think, instead of splitting along party lines, they’ll split along pet poop lines. That could lead to an interesting debate.

What do you think? Should all poop be treated equally?

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Anonymous said...

I agree completely about poop and also believe that cats should be licensed just like dogs. We've thought that for years, but there's the whole, oh, they're different than dogs; they hunt, etc., etc., thought out there - horse feathers! A domesticated creature is a domesticated creature. therefore, all should be treated equally under the law. . . .

Audubon Ron said...

Answers to so many questions.

1. Poop stinks – That means all poop.

Not mine.

2. Why aren’t cat owners scoop’in poop?

You never saw the shitt’in parties I’ve cleaned up in the cat box. You get to put a baggy over your hand a feel a slight moment of squishy, I get to scrape the walls and sandblast the kitty box. Cuz cat boxes also have Urine. Hisrine, herrine, myrine, urine, it’s a one-two combo, the poop and the nuclear vinegar smell.

3. Bodily functions in the four-legged world take on a whole different meaning than our two-legged interpretation.

Now hold on one minute on that one Mainstream, you never handled duck poop. Now that has a special dead body morgueish quality to it. Oh, and hose all you might, let’s just say it’s a good thing ducks don’t like to be indoors.

4. Cats marking?

In case you never knew this, the females mark. The males claw. I saw a female back her butt up to my living room curtain, wiggle and fire a 911 fire hose straight up the curtain. It smelled so bad, I told my wife I was throwing away everything in the house cloth.

5. While cat owners can let kitty out without any concern for where kitty takes a crap

My cats never venture out of the house. Cuz then we got to talk about fleas trying to bite my big keester all night long.

6. If I see your dog in my neighborhood without a leash, it get’s a Mr. .22 in its butt. Other than that, ga-head, your dog can poop on my grass all it wants. Let’s hope it doesn’t step in the cow or horse poop in the process. I bet you never saw buzzard poop before. Ho my lambs!

ksd said...

Your right -- I've never seen buzzard poop! Sounds like you are a responible cat owner -- don't worry -- my dod only poops at home!