Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fact or Fiction: Vegetable Day Shrinks Keester

I’m hungry -- so is Techno Spouse. I don’t feel bad for him though, since it’s his fault I’m in desperate need of a Vito’s chicken ranch pizza, pan crust with garlic butter. In our household there is a long-standing tradition. Saturday is Vito’s day -- but not this Saturday. This Saturday we are dining on vegetables. That’s it. Not vegetables and (fill in the blank), just vegetables.

The reason for this drastic change in our culinary routine is because Techno Spouse visited the Doc, the very same Doc that diagnosed my injured dumbass, er rather dermas. (see Naked Keester Causes Treadmill Incident below).

Techno Spouse has a tendency to clog up his arteries. He swears this happens because of heredity. The Doc thinks it happens because he eats too much of the wrong kind of junk food. Doc strongly advised he drop a few pounds and recommended Marie Osmond’s miracle diet.

One thing you should know about Techno Spouse, he is all about spending the big bucks on technology, gadgets and golf crap. But when it comes to spending several hundred dollars on shriveled up entrees, he’s not buying.

Which brings us to vegetable day. Techno Spouse, being Techno Spouse found the ultimate diet plan on the Internet. He assures me if I eat my vegetables, with minimal whining, I will lose 30 pounds by Monday. Just kidding – but if I’m not a petite size 2 by morning, I’m calling Vito’s.

Help! My willpower is fading. Any tips on shrinking my keester? I really want to be a petite size 2 at least once in my life and soon.


Tara R. said...

Sure, I read this after eating four pieces of a meat pizza - I did have a salad with it... if you figure out the size 2 diet, please pass it along. =)

Maureen said...

hahaha! Well, if it works, I am a vegetarian this minute.

Blog Hoppin'

SWC said...

Ha! Thanks for stopping by. If you ever make it to a petite size 2, I might have to kick your A**! LOL Anyway, good luck.

Meg said...

Stealing some of your kid's Adderal will decrease your appetite AND give you the energy to blog every day like you should.

Wait a's MY kid who takes the Adderal. Never mind.

Unknown said...

Hey girl, thanks for visiting and commenting @ my blog ~ much appreciated!

Hmmm, I was once a size 2 before the kiddos and I fear it will never happen again :( I read these things along the lines of only drinking such-and-such for two weeks and dropping 20lbs, but that sounds rather scary to me. My favorite diet is Weight Watchers Points, but it's a long process - well worth it in my opinion!

Dapoppins said...

Did it work?

Why can't he eat his rabbit food and watch you eat pizza? Would that be mean?

Yeah. I know.

Dapoppins said...

I always said exercise is bad for you. My son broke his leg getting some. You have an injured dumbass! I am so not going to be getting any of that. So, pass me the pizza will you, it sounds yummy.