Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 3: Blue Eyes...So what

Day 3 was "blue eyes appreciation day." So what? Since day 2 was a total dud, I felt like I needed to jump start day 3. I decided to take my dog to the park. That way I could spend a good half-hour walking the trails while talking to myself - outloud - pretending to be on my cell phone. It went something like this, "I appreciate my blue eyes, oh there's a chipmunk, I appreciate my blue eyes, oops, almost stepped in dog crap, blue eyes, blue sky, poison ivy, there's another neon pink X on an Ash tree, what was that again, oh yea, blue eyes..."

Somehow I managed to yank my ADD brain back on track and for a good share of my walk, I gave thanks - outloud - for my blue eyes. My dog was extra happy since she thought I was talking to her the entire walk. By the time we got home, I was feeling less foolish about this self-appreciation experiment. The surprising part was that for the rest of the day, whenever I needed to surface from a negative vibe, the blue eyes thing sort of helped.

Try it, I dare you...click the 30-Day Challenge tab above...don't make me do this alone...

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